Monday, July 27, 2009

Crazy Summer

Here's a little update on our summer. I made a wedding cake last Saturday. When I asked the bride what her colors were she said, "purple and orange, not light purple and light orange, but obnoxious purple and obnoxious orange." So, there you have it!
This was on a little Family Home Evening outing to our farm. Claire loves dandelion puffs. The girls call them "wishberries."

We also got to visit with our friends, the Phillips this month! Here are Claire and Miles enjoying some popcicles.

I'm pretty sure the girls liked their chocolate chip pancakes shaped like caterpillars!

We spent the 4th of July with Megan and Errol and Errol's family. They are always so nice and let us crash their family parties! The parade was fun and Jannika is a BIG fan of Megan and Errol's swimming pool!

We have also been to Cherry Hill this last week for our "Stay-cation" with Judd and Keiauni and Jeff and Jacqueline. We swam ALL day and had a great time. Then the next day did arcade games, mini golfing, and batting cages. No pics, though, because we didn't have our cameras with us. It was a fun trip, though!

Friday, July 3, 2009

So, This is New

I discovered that I have tigerlillies and peonies growing in my yard. Love the peonies, they are so big and beautiful!

We went on a trip to Huntington Lake with our friends from Price (Chris and Carlie and their kids) and with Kyle's sister, Megan, and her kids, Kaylee and Ashlyn. We picked possibly the worst day to go to the lake, it was so windy and cold but the kids had fun anyway!
Claire has started to give kisses, and lots of them! When you pick her up she gives you a tight hug around your neck and then puckers up her lips, says "mmmm" and gives you a good smacker! Then she says "di du" (thank you) and gives you some more kisses! It makes us feel so loved!

We took a fun trip yesterday to Joe's Valley and went fishing in Grassy Lake and Pete's Hole. Jannika caught 4 fish and one of them she caught all by herself (cast the line and reeled it in).