Friday, February 13, 2009

Spreadin' the Love

I have to say, I do enjoy Valentine's Day. It's funny, though, Kyle and I don't usually do anything big or fancy on V-Day (mostly because we do something nice for our Anniversary) but I just happen to love red and pink and all things romantic...

I also wanted to tell you some news about Kirsten...drumroll....she has been DRY for two days now! Yeah! I was beginning to doubt that it would happen any time soon but she has actually started to tell me when she needs to go. Wouldn't it be lovely if I have bought my last diapers (for her anyway?!) She is growing up so much. This morning when she woke up, she gave me a big hug and said, "you are the best mom in the whole world!" Cute huh? She also likes to look at words and try to sound them out. It goes something like this: "Mom, what's this word? B-B-Clifford"!


Christina said...

I love your craftiness!!!! I hope you have a GREAT Vday! YAY for being DRY!!!! It's a GREAT feeling to get that down pat! WOOOHOOO!!!!

Trista Rich said...

You do the cutest scrapbook pages...could I just bring you all of my stuff for my wedding book and pay you to do it??? I am so happy that Kirsten is being a big girl...she is so beautiful. Love you guys, hope that you have a very happy Valentines Day!

Keiauni said...

Amen to that comment, you are the SCRAPBOOK PRINCESS!!

Everything looks so cute:) that kirsten is so big now!
her shirt is adorable! and she is so CUTE!

Jenn said...

Congrats on the potty training! I can't wait to be forever done with diapers! (It's still a long way out!) Your girls are so beautiful!