Friday, February 12, 2010


Aloha! My awsome, wonderful husband surprised me on my birthday a few months ago with tickets to Hawaii. I totally thought they were fake but slowly realized he really had booked a trip to Hawaii! He is so smart too because we flew out on our anniversary. He got a couple of birds with that stone:) Our friends, Robert and Heather, live in Honolulu and this beautiful picture above is right outside their front door. It's like an island paradise right in the middle of the city. They were so awesome and picked us up at the airport with fresh flower leis, let us stay a few nights with them and let us use their car! Aren't they awesome?! We had so much fun chatting with them every night until midnight and hanging out on the beach with them. Thanks you guys:) And thanks to my sister, LeAnne, Kyle's sister, Megan and his mom for watching our kids. You are wonderful!
We stayed on the North Shore for a few days and the waves were really big. We saw lots of surfers and Kyle tried a little boogie boarding but the waves were kind of kicking him around so we mostly stayed on the beach. We did find a little reef where we scuba dived, though. I had never done the scuba thing so it was cool once I convinced myself to actually put my head under the water!
This was a cool fence in Laie (where the temple and the Polynesian Cultural Center are).
We both got some killer tatoos at the PCC. Mine was--I mean, it still IS-- on my ankle. Ha ha.

It rained and was a little windy the first 3 days we were there but by the fourth day it was beautiful and I even got sunburned.

We visited Pearl Harbor on our last day and it was really neat and sad to see the ship and learn about what happened there.

Here's us and Robert and Heather on Waikiki beach on our last day. We flew out that night at 11:00. Here's the sun going down on our trip. Sniff* I'm so glad we got to go. Thanks, honey!


Hawaii Heather said...

Hurray for friends that visit! (and listen to us talk all hours of the night!) I loved being able to spend time with you and catch up. It was like high school and college all over again only this time we weren't so awkward around our dates :) Thanks for coming and being such good friends!!!

Alexis said...

Awesome! Looks like you had a great time... how did it compare to our San Diego trip? Wait - don't answer that! I'm totally jealous... glad you two were able to get away!

Christina said...

LUCKY!!!! I want to go to Hawaii sooo bad! *sigh*....someday! :) Looks like you had a great time! :) Glad you could getaway!

Marc and Lori Johnson said...

YOU GOT TO GO TO HAWAII! I always knew that Kyle was a good guy but man! What a fabulous gift! I am so jealous not only because you got to go to an amazing place but that you got to be with Heather and Robert! That is so fun! I am glad that you guys had such a good time! We seriously need to get together sometime.

Cherice said...

oh that sounds like so much fun! I am so glad you guys were able to go! thanks for sharing some of it with us!!! its great!!!

Love you lots! maybe one day it will work out that we actually get to play :)

Jenn said...

How fun! That looks like a great time - and how smart/sweet of Kyle to get it all worked out so great! So fun!