Friday, September 25, 2009

Pre School!

My Kirsten started pre school a few weeks ago. She has a little bit of a hard time when we first get there but then she loves it for the rest of the time. I am glad she is getting some social interaction because she doesn't like to go to primary so I hope this will help her! She is such a sweet girl and loves to climb up on the counter to help me when I am cooking. She likes to play alone a lot and I often hear her talking to herself and playing games by herself. She likes other kids too but doesn't mind playing alone. She loves to wear skirts (she is wearing a skirt in these pictures) and loose pants, it is very hard to get her to wear levis!

Here we are soaking up some of the last days of summer. The kids have loved the new city pool and also our little kiddie pool.

Sorry, randomness. Kyle cut down a bunch of trees in our back yard and went out and saw that he had carved our initials in a heart shaped stump. Isn't that just romantic?!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can't believe she's getting so big! She looks great!

Way to score some brownie points Kyle! ;)