Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I am so thankful for my little family and that we are an eternal family. The gospel plays such a wonderful role in our lives and I am so glad that I was raised in a home where we were taught the gospel.
Now some really random things I am grateful for right now:
Afternoon kindergarten. Sorry but I really don't like getting a child ready for school at 7 in the morning. Next year it will be even harder with 2 kids (Kirsten will be in preschool). So I love afternoon kindergarten for that reason!

The fact that my baby is finally being able to keep herself entertained. I am one of those moms that really needs to be able to take care of the baby's needs and then have the baby play in the high chair for a while. This particular child has not been this kind of baby and that has been very frustrating for me. I am soooooo times 100 glad that she is getting to that point! I also love these little crackers called Mum Mums found at Wal-Mart that she can eat by herself! Hooray for her doing some things by herself!

I am thankful for Kyle's jobs. He has always had good jobs that allow him to have holidays off and to be able to take time off when he needs to. We have also been able to use some thing from his work like an enclosed trailer to move etc. Those have been nice perks! I am also grateful for my job. It isn't a very hard job and it gives me some Me Money, which I really like :)

A new kitchen in the house where we live now. I was very sad to leave my beautiful, newly finished VIRGIN kitchen (virgin because it's never been used LOL). But I am so grateful that some previous owners of this house put in nice new cabinets.

Most of all, I am thankful for Kyle, my mom and LeAnne right now. They have been so helpful to me during the last few months when I have been really down. They will never know how much I have appreciated their help and most of all their listening ears. Love you!


Zilles Fam said...

It's neat to hear how important the Gospel is to you! It's crazy out here in Colorado with so many people that have never even heard of our Church. It makes me wonder how much I really know about it. I know it's true, it's just all the "details." John tells me not to worry, and that I know more than I think I do! I'll have to trust him on that one!

Keiauni said...

Good to see a post from you!
VIRGIN KITCHEN? I can't believe you said that! (he he he)

Robert and Heather in Hawaii said...

I was so excited to read the comment you left on our blog. It made me feel like my old Janell was back (back meaning happy).

I completely fogot about the "Wahoo, wahoo!" That IS hi-larry-ous. Did your mom do the little dance with it too?

PS we were also shocked to read Virgin Kitchen (LOL). Robert said "There are some things Janell says that makes me think she's been married to Kyle Beagley for almost 7 years!"

Keiauni said...

Hey... I remember who said that VIRGIN kitchen comment! IT WAS ME!
When I was standing in your VIRGIN KITCHEN! Now I'm not so shocked:)

Larson Letters said...

Hi! So we actually kind of got Montel's name from your dad! Rex asked me if I liked the name Monte and then I said, "Janel's dad's name is Montell." We both really liked it apparently!!

Jenn said...

Thank you for that post. Sometimes, when it seems like things are not going the way you want them to, it's so important to focus on our blessings. That is what I've been telling myself all week; I really appreciate your post.