My mom used to have this book called, "I'm a Day Late and a Dollar Short and it's Okay." I've never actually read it but the title always stuck in my mind and it certainly fits me right now except in my case it should read "I'm 68 Days Late, $2,000 short and Maybe it Will Be Okay Sometime Soon"... The reason I haven't posted in a while is because I wanted to do a big hurray post where I announced that my baby isn't colicky (sp?) anymore and that she is on a schedule... ha! When that blessed day occurs, I'll let you know, but meanwhile I am just a little stressed and sleep deprived. May was a complete roller coaster for me and if you know me, you know that I DO NOT like roller coasters, actual or emotional ones! Just in the month of May we had Jannika's birthday party, more eye doctor appointments for Kirsten, Kyle and I both had dental work (blah) and mine's not even done yet (double blah), I spoke in Church, Clarissa's episode, 3 days at Primary Children's, numerous doctor appointments after that, Clarissa's blessing day and the Seely Family Reunion, plus all of our normal stuff with callings etc. There have been very sad, heart-wrenching times, frustrations, relief, joy, you name it. We are so glad that we have our sweet little baby but with as with any child, there are some frustrations that I hope will work out soon. I have been trying not to eat dairy foods because sometimes dairy can make a baby have colic. I never knew how much I loved milk, yogurt and especially milkshakes. I don't know if this food plan is really working. She still has a fussy time at night but we'll see.
I'll post pics of the fun things we've been doing soon:)
Good luck with that, Allison was like that for the first few months. I know that can be rough.
I have actually read that book, twice, and loved it. It is SUPER cheesy, but it does make you feel better about yourself and all the things you want to accomplish and can't quite get to. Hang in there...I bet you're doing much better than you're letting yourself think you are! But until all that you want comes true, good luck and chin up! She sure is darling!
My mom had that book too and I always think of that title. Just remember the "It's Okay" part... that's the most important part.
What a hard month. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you (which I think you know means we'll pray for you)that the blessed day of a happy, pain-free, sleeping baby will be here soon!
I'm so glad we got to see you guys & I really hope Clarissa will get on a schedule soon for you - it is SO hard to be a good, patient mom - and even harder when you are sleep deprived! Sophie was colicky and the only thing that helped was turning on the hair dryer! We still use one of those big box fans for our kids. (Oh yeah, you already knew that because we left one at your house once!) Anyway, hope your roller coaster ride comes to a stop ASAP. :)
I love her little dimple!!! I hope things settle down for you here in June. Good luck with everything, you're in our prayers. I'm glad Clarissa's doing better. Nathan was colicky (sp?) for the first three months, but it wasn't too bad. It won't last forever.
Hey you Beagley's. My wife ran into your blog while she was blog surfing so we had to leave you a comment. Congrats on your third baby girl! They are all really cute! So, I guess that Kyle ended up being one of those environmentalists, what's up with that? Just kidding, it's awesome that you have a cool job. I have one class left for my masters degree in electrical engineering (I switched from physics), so we are excited to start living the real life soon. I am happy to see you guys are doing well and I'm glad my wife ran into your blog! We miss you guys!
by the way, this is James Pearson even though it says Janese on the comment.
hey! is all good! You'll catch up on all that sleep someday:)
...see you at the rodeo! Let's do the zoo too! (again:))
Oh Nelly! She is beautiful along with your other two girls. What a precious family! Your blog is adorable. I hope that all is going well for you and Kyle. Let me know the next time you are up here.
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